When You Love Your Bamboo, It Sure Loves You Back !
Imagine not mowing your lawn for 3-5 years, or imagine not servicing your car for 3-5 years
Or imagine neglecting for 3-5 years your home heater, or your roof, or your dog....
Doubtlessly, for any of the above, you will have a significant task at the end of that protracted period.
We do not offer Clumping Bamboo because at privacy heights, at say 7-8' tall or taller, it is over 10 times more expensive than our Running Bamboo. And starter Clumping Bamboo plants, at say 3-4' tall, will take a decade or longer to reach privacy heights. Also Clumping Bamboo droops.
Running Bamboo grows upright, tall and dense very quickly to solve your privacy and noise attenuation needs almost instantly or very soon. Like anything else that delivers to you very valuable function, enjoyment, pride, your bamboo grove or hedge requires a little maintenance and/or a little planning ahead.
There are a number of methods for controlling and/or directing the growth of your bamboo grove.
Please click on one of the links below to learn about each and the corresponding services we offer.